Monday, April 25, 2011

Being a student is getting in the way of my training.

The last week has been spent frantically finishing a research paper on HIV and then frantically studying for a test that, as it turns out, isn't until NEXT week!

On Thursday, I managed a phenomenal 3.5 mile run without any walk breaks!  Trust me, this is an accomplishment for fat girls everywhere. 

Friday is my designated rest day until June, then buh-bye rest days!  :::insert angsty face::: 

Saturdays are when I train with my tri team, where our swim coach kicks our butts and then our tri coach kicks it all over again!

Saturday's swim was amazing!  I've been swimming more lately because I've been following my training plan and I could really feel a difference.  I didn't start to drop off towards the end of sets and I was able to all six sets of sprint work without struggling too-too much!  You're not doing it right if you can recover quickly from a sprint but I was able to stay strong through out the whole workout.  The run was a different story altogether.

I'm trying different gels/nutrition and Saturday I tried Gu's Roctane.  I'm sure it will work well for me in the future, but for an hour and 45 minute run, I did NOT bring enough hydration!  The Roctane was VERY sweet and I had finished all my Powerade Zero before I was half done. 


I also lost my $3 in my pocket to get water from a gas station.  So, essentially, I was up shit creek.  I managed 6.48 miles in 1:41....  Not as bad as I would have expected because I was just SO THIRSTY the ENTIRE time!  I'd start to run and my mouth and throat were so dry that I'd only make it four or five minutes before I had to walk in order to not want to kill myself.  But I still wish I could have done more.

It seems like lately, most of my bad runs have been on Saturday, while training with my team.  I can have a week's worth of amazing runs, and then *boom* I get around my teammates and it all goes downhill.  I'm trying not to let it get to me, because I don't want to be "that girl" that's always down and upset about something!  I'm so FAR from that girl!  I'm also the only one in my group that isn't a hard-bodied athlete.  I have to get over that mental-block.  I have to stop thinking I don't belong, because I DO belong!  I'm one of the fastest in the pool, I can handle myself on the bike, I'm just not a strong runner.  Everyone has their weak point and I need to drop my fixation with mine.

Alright, this week's goal:  to mentally focus on my strengths.

Now, back to studying innate defenses against microbial bacteria.

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