Monday, April 11, 2011

In the beginning.

I've been hemming and hawing about starting a blog, chronicling my journey to 70.3.  The problem is that I'm not that interesting, I don't have many interesting things to write about and instead of writing blogs, I should be studying for my next micro exam or out for a run!  But yesterday, I finally had an epiphany (more like a panic attack... Potato, potahto!) and I realized that I might be trying so hard to LIVE my life that I'm actually missing out on quite a bit of my life. So, here goes nothing!  Chances are I'll write this until August 13th, the day before my first Half Ironman Triathlon, no one will actually read this and then I'll be done!

Some back story:

-My name is Beki.
-I'm a 29 year old, single, white female.
-I'm a total girly-girl.  I love pink and am a total princess!
-I'm a knitter.
-I drink more wine than I'd care to admit to.
-I'm working on getting into nursing school.
-My little sister is currently pregnant.  ...So is my best friend.  My biological clock can STFU aaaaany day now!
-I finished my first triathlon (Danskin Womens Triathlon) in Orlando, FL May 2006.  I barely finished, but I finished.
-I've been hooked ever since!
-I've done more sprint distance triathlons than I kept track of.
-I've done two half marathons and two 10 mile races
-I'm currently training for my first 70.3
-I might very possibly have an addiction to Powerade Zero and Diet Ruby Red Squirt.
-I'm fat and slow.  No, really.  My BMI is 31.5 which puts me solidly in the "obese" category.  Let's hope that no potential dates google me and find this.
-I think BMI is a load of total shit.

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